GoodLife Supply ...

When you hear our name, you might think we are just another group of young kids that have nothing better to do than to start our own clothing line and try to get rich.

That couldn't be more wrong. Personally we are a couple of young men who have always had a passion for helping others. We have always had a passion for wanting to change society, and these social constructs we live in.

One day, me and my partner were sitting around, and talking about how messed up society is, we see people dying every day, we see people throw their lives away to drugs every day, we see people who are like zombies and wake up in the morning, go to work, come home and repeat the same thing for the next 50 years.

What happened to having dreams and ambition? Whatever happened to "You can do everything you set you mind to"? 


We still believe you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to! We are so stuck on what society tells us, that we forget to BE OURSELVES! we forget to FOLLOW OUR DREAMS!

Our dream is to eventually create some sort of program that will help young individuals remember that following their dreams is important. Giving back to the lesser who have not had the same opportunities as we have.

But in the meantime we will do whatever we can to give back the community, we are all blessed. We all have opportunities, but sometimes we push them away. We want to change the world for the better, but if we can change the mind of at least ONE individual who can say "because of you, i didn't give up" that will be enough.